Nepal Bouquet Oolong Jun Chiyabari BIO

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Nepal Mystic oolong, an organic certified oolong tea from the small exclusive Jun Chiyabari tea garden from Nepal. Large curled leaves from light-colored to copper-colored buds.

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Nepal Mystic oolong, an organic certified oolong tea from the small exclusive Jun Chiyabari tea garden from Nepal. Large curled leaves from light-colored to copper-colored buds. The tea has an exuberant floral character, reminds of orchid. The taste is complex, the green undertones give a pleasant warmth to the tea. This tea is hand-picked and processed in spring of 2021.

Garden: Jun Chiyabari, Nepal
Division:  Ramché & Bokré
Elevation:  1850m on average
Harvest date:  30th & 31st May 2021
Harvest time:  Morning & Afternoon
Weather:   Overcast / cloudy on 30th & intermittent rain & sun on 31st
Season:  Early Summer
Packing date:  29th June 2021
Quantity mfg:   20 kg
Cultivars / Varietal:  Mixed clonal, predominantly Phoobsering 312 (P312), Takdah 78 (T78), Bannockburn 668 (B668) & Bannockburn 157 (B157) & Ambari Vegetative 2 (AV2).
Manufacture:  Withering, bruising for partial oxidization, killing the green, rolling and drying.
Description: Hand plucked and processed under the supervision of our tea maker using techniques developed by us over the years with inspiration from tea masters of East Asia, ‘Himalayan Bouquet’ (HBO) is a partially oxidized tea made in the style of the Oolong teas of East Asia.
Character:   As the name suggests, a bouquet of sweet aroma & flavors that of fruits & flowers.

Juni Chiyabari is an organic tea garden founded in 2001, located in the eastern part of the Himalayan region of Nepal, next to Ilam and Darjeeling. The philosophy of this high-altitude (1400m-1800m) modern tea garden is entirely focused on quality and a good example of what high-altitude tea can offer. Jun Chiyabari is a fairly young tea garden located near Hile. The estate is family owned and run by Bachan and Lochan Gyalwali. Apart from having very experienced tea masters and managers from Darjeeling, who have worked in famous gardens such as Margaret's Hope, Castleton, Selimbong and so on, they are also trained by tea masters from Taiwan and Japan, which has led to innovative tea with its own unique Nepalese character. The tea garden has been certified organic from the start. In addition to having their own tea garden, they also work together with other tea farmers. They believe in sustainable agriculture with an emphasis on bio-diversity and are committed to organic cultivation. They also support the local community, farmers, local schools, children and retirement homes. They provide interest-free loans for their employees and schemes that guarantee a good price for tea. In addition, the farmers are of course assisted with help with all aspects related to the cultivation of tea, the latest developments and trends. All this is managed by a committee composed of employees and management. Through this income and the granting of loans, people can also build other livelihoods. Jun Chiyabari is a respected name in the community.

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StockPermanent collection
CertificationAfkomstig van biologisch gecontroleerde landbouw uit Nepal (non E.U.) · Skal 025811 · NL-BIO-01
FlavoursFloral, exotic flowers, Fruity, dried fruit, Sweet, creamy, caramel, Sweet, honey
Origin--> NEPAL
Brewing westernOolong tea: Use 2 grams of tea per cup (200ml) and brew medium to hot, around 80° to 100°C, allow to steep for 3-5 minutes and infuse at least 3 times.
Brewing easternFor Nepalese or Indian tea use 4 grams of tea per 100ml of water, water temperature between 90 and 95°C, steeping time 4 minutes, for a strong cup 5 minutes.
Grandma's teaFor an old-fashioned cup of tea from a teapot with a strainer, relaxed and economical. Use approximately 7 grams of tea per liter of boiling water and let it steep for about 7 minutes, Suitable for all teas except green tea. or longer if the tea can take
Cold BrewCold infusion, use 10 to 16 grams of tea per liter of cold water. Let the tea steep overnight in the fridge, 12 to 15 hours. You can vary with the proportions for example to add sparkling water afterwards.
Shelf lifeStore this product cool, dark, dry and airtight; after a year the fresh taste develops into a more mellow taste.

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